Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Crazy Gardener Dance


I am delighted to report that my basil and tomato seeds--- the ones purchased from Valdemart, the ones which were planted over a month ago but never came up--- have finally sprouted!!

*drumroll, please*

There are four lemon basil sprouts in one pot, and in another pot there are two (unknown variety) tomato sprouts and one lemon basil sprout. I had to look online to confirm that they were tomato and basil sprouts, instead of weeds. *lol* The third pot, which was planted with lemon basil seeds as well, still has shown no sign of life. <_< Oh, well.

Normally I'd know what type of tomato seeds I planted, but the packet of seeds from which this came was a variety pack, with five different types of tomatoes claimed on the back of the envelope... and only ten seeds total. So I'm clueless as to whether the two which have sprouted are even the same variety as each other!

I was disgusted with these two packets "failing" to sprout, so when I transplanted last (on June 11), I replanted my "greenhouse" (very tiny one, roughly 3"x6"!) with yellow pear tomato seeds... and there are at least eleven of those sprouting as of this morning! So I'm going to have yellow pear tomatoes coming out my ears again this year, just as I did the first year I had a garden here! Hopefully I'll also have at least one other type of tomato, but since I love yellow pears, I'll not complain!

See ya in a few days, I hope!

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