Monday, March 10, 2008

Welcome to Oregon!

I was born in Oregon--- in Portland, as a matter of fact--- and I love my state more than any other I've visited. The only states that come close are Washington (blasted sales tax!) and Montana (if Montana had an ocean, I'd have never come back!).

Anyway, after having lived in several different states, I have vowed never to leave my beloved Oregon ever again except to visit family and friends. I also know now that I definitely prefer the isolation of country life. I hate cities! Lest you think I've no clue what it's like in cities, since I've lived mostly in small towns, let me reassure you that I lived 18 months in Las Vegas. I also lived five months in Montana, north of the Hi-Line with addresses both in Rudyard and Joplin, 5 miles away from the nearest neighbor--- I loved it, but missed my ocean!!

Here I wish to share my Oregon experiences. I'll post photos as well as stories when I can.

See ya later!

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